Orbera: What to Expect

Are you tired of yo-yo dieting? Are you concerned about long-term complications related to obesity? At Forest Hills Gastroenterology in Forest Hills, NY, Dr. Azeem Khan helps qualified weight-loss patients with the innovative Orbera gastric balloon. FDA-approved for people wishing to lose 30 to 50 pounds or more, Orbera really works. Maybe it's right for you, too.

The problem of obesity

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that globally, the problem of obesity--or being more than twenty percent over ideal body weight--has tripled globally since 1975. In the United States, health problems such as diabetes, stroke and even cancer spring from carrying too much body weight, and just as the global statistics show, Americans are getting heavier and heavier.

Unfortunately, some people are yo-yo dieters. Wanting to be thinner and healthier, they crash diet, gain weight, crash diet again, and the cycle continues. It's frustrating and frankly, not good physiologically.

Enter: the Orbera gastric balloon

Orbera gastric balloon is a sterile gastric balloon inserted via a thin lighted scope into the stomach. Once at its destination, Dr. Khan inflates the balloon (or sometimes two balloons) with sterile saline, making it about the size of an orange. The rationale is simple: with Orbera in place, the patient cannot eat large portions of food, and sticking with a healthy diet is much easier.

Also, the procedure is comfortable and quick, performed under sedation and taking about 20 to 30 minutes. You go home after the procedure and resume your normal activities the next day. Many patients start with a liquid or soft diet and advance to regular foods as tolerated. Side effects of the Orbera gastric balloon are a feeling of fullness and possible reflux, nausea and vomiting.

Overall, however, the device is well-tolerated and does its job. People do lose a significant amount and weight and keep it off. The team at Forest Hills Gastroenterology supports their weight loss patients every step of the way. In six months, Dr. Khan removes the Orbera balloon(s).

Do you qualify?

If you have a BMI of 30 to 40 and want relief from that extra weight, why not call for a consultation with Dr. Azeem Khan at Forest Hills Gastroenterology. Orbera works well for many Forest Hills, NY, patients. Maybe the next one is you. Contact the office at (718) 268-0418.

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